Total # of Classes
Class length
30 minutes
Consisting of 4 series of 6 weeks, that run daily Sunday through Friday at 9.00 to 9.30pm, this ONLINE COURSE is a unique opportunity to continue to develop your experience, dive into your inner world, and unlock your hidden potential in a graduate and supported way.
In each of us, there is a wonderful and miraculous dormant potential and as we begin to activate this inner energy source, we can utilise these dormant powers to achieve what we so dearly desire; a purposeful existence living in peace, harmony, and happiness.
Starts 8 June to 18 July (6 weeks)
What comes after Series 2 ...
Series 3: Agya, Bindu, and Sahasrara Chakra Meditations | starting 20 July
Series 4: The Advanced Meditations from Yoga in Daily Life System | starting 31 August
Each series runs for 6 weeks with live guided evening meditations Sunday through to Friday 9 - 9:30pm. The idea is that you will have completed your days duties and can put them aside to join the session. After you can continue with your own personal meditation, journalling, reflection or have an early nights sleep. It's ok if you cannot make it every night, but at least 3 per week to make it worthwhile.
$150 per series
6 week course with 36 live guided sessions
online via zoom
opportunities for questions and learning
This meditation course is designed for general well-being and personal development. It is not a substitute for medical, psychological, or psychiatric treatment. We strongly recommend not enrolling in the course if you have a history of mental health conditions, including but not limited to severe anxiety, depression, psychosis, schizophrenia, or other psychiatric disorders. By enrolling you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own well-being and that the facilitators of this course are not liable for any adverse effects that may arise.
You must sign-in to book a spot in this class.
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