Yoga in Daily Life

Online: Yoga Nidra & Meditation
with Swami Madhuram


January 26 (Sunday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes


Yoga Nidra (Relaxation) & Meditation with Live music

With Swami Madhuram Puri

Practising sitting meditation and lying down relaxation with the sound of Indian bamboo flute (Bansuri) and Japanese Shakuhachi, led by Swami Madhuram Puri. 

The class is divided into 2 parts, fisrt is Yoga Nidra (lying down relaxation) and second is sitting Meditation. Both suitable for beginners or advanced students. 

The practices are guided with a sections of live music woven into the words.

The link will take you to Insight Timer.
This is a free session, but please consider making a donation to Swami Madhuram.


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