Yoga in Daily Life

Online :: International Peace Day Satsang
with Swami Gopal


September 14 (Saturday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes


On Saturday 21 September, the world marks the International Day of Peace, officially known as World Peace Day, a United-Nations-sanctioned holiday observed yearly to celebrate the power of global solidarity for building a peaceful and sustainable world. This has never been so important during unprecedented challenges, divisions, and intolerance. Therefore, the official UN 2024 theme for World Peace Day is “Cultivating a Culture of Peace” inspired by UNESCO's foundational belief that 'wars begin in the minds of men, so it is in the minds of men that the defence of peace must be constructed'.

Each year Yoga in Daily Life celebrates World Peace Day in all continents, all countries, and all places where Yoga in Daily Life is practiced, which means worldwide. 

This year each local centre will have a peace prayer followed by peace meditation at 8 pm according to their local time, organised either in their local yoga centres or around peace trees planted by Yoga in Daily Life in different cities and towns worldwide. That way, Yoga in Daily Life will have 24 hours of peace prayers and meditations, starting from New Zealand and ending with Hawaii, the USA.

In Australia there will be local gatherings of yoga aspirants in their yoga centres and they will all join online for the common event with the following agenda (AEST time):

  • 6.30 pm with the inspirational talk of MM Swami Gyaneshwar Puri Ji from Jaipur, India, about the connection between inner peace and world peace and the traditional yogic wisdom on how to reach and sustain inner peace.
  • 7.30 - 8.00 pm Chanting of peace prayers and mantras
  • 8.00-8.30 pm Peace meditation 

All are welcome to join us online.


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